
Anaesthesia is understandably one of the most common patient concerns when undergoing any type of surgery. Fortunately, recent advances in this field have made it possible to offer safe and fast-clearing anaesthetic options with little side effects. There are a number of choices for sedation and anaesthesia, the best method usually being governed by the type of surgery being undertaken as well as patient preference.

Local anaesthesia 

Minor surgeries can be performed with local anaesthesia or a regional nerve block, in which an anaesthetic agent is injected around specific nerves to block sensitivity. Patients remain conscious and comfortable during surgery and are able to listen to music or speak with the surgeon and nursing staff. There is no impairment of function and patients resume normal activities immediately after surgery.

TIVA - Total Intravenous Anaesthesia (sedation)

TIVA, or Total Intravenous Anaesthesia, is a patient-friendly anaesthetic which is well-suited to cosmetic surgery patients having small to medium-sized operations. It is a popular choice due to its numerous benefits, including its unique ability to clear quickly out of a patient’s system for fast and easy awakening with low likelihood of nausea. This allows for early discharge and a quick return to normal functions. Furthermore, TIVA can be regulated to provide a range of light to deep sedation, and does not impair the patient's airway and breathing, a feature which makes it particularly suited for facial surgeries. This form of anaesthesia is initiated by an injection in the hand and the patient is monitored throughout surgery by the consultant anaesthetist.

The technique is used commonly for outpatient cosmetic surgery procedures. Examples of procedures that may be performed under TIVA include breast augmentation, medium-sized facial surgeries, eyelid surgeries, fat transfer, skin peels and liposuction. 

General anaesthesia

Modern general anaesthesia, also known as full anaesthesia, consists of a combination of inhaled and intravenous components that provides a fully immobilised and deep sleep. This method is the preferred choice for all larger surgeries and reconstructive procedures. The anaesthetist monitors the patient throughout surgery using electronic devices for maximum safety and control. New anaesthetic agents act quickly and disappear rapidly from the bloodstream, so patients can go home sooner after surgery. Side effects such as nausea are less common or severe as with earlier forms of general anaesthesia.

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