High SMAS Facelift

The high SMAS facelift is a specialised procedure which repositions ptotic soft-tissue evenly throughout the face. This improves soft-tissue distribution in the midface, cheek and along the jawline - resulting in a balanced and natural facial rejuvenation.


A traditional SMAS facelift will address age-related soft-tissue changes below the cheekbones, but produces little improvement to the midface, upper cheek or orbital region.


The high SMAS facelift is designed to overcome these limitations, by providing a more even mobilisation of tissue, including areas of the central and upper midface, which are normally considered difficult to treat (i.e. sunken midfacial contours, prominent nasolabial folds and hollowness under the eyes).


The procedure is indicated for individuals with panfacial ageing and where soft-tissue ptosis and atrophy is present uniformly throughout the face. It is Dr Sorensen's opinion that the high SMAS facelift is one of the most effective contemporary facelift procedures available. It delivers a natural and physiologically correct repositioning of facial tissue.

Lamellar high SMAS facelift

During the procedure the SMAS layer is released in two planes (lamellar dissection), allowing the deeper soft-tissue to be mobilised and elevated independent of the overlying skin, thus avoiding undue tension.


The benefit of treating the individual tissue layers separately, is that a more precise and calibrated restoration of facial contours is possible. The SMAS layer and deeper soft-tissues often need to be repositioned in an upward curve, thereby reversing the natural effects of gravity, while the skin (which ages at a different rate to the SMAS layer) is treated along a more oblique vector.

Individualised facial rejuvenation

The high SMAS facelift is usually performed through a classic facelift incision. However, the technique can successfully be integrated within a short-scar facelift, if indicated. This treatment combination may be relevant for those individuals with uniform facial ageing, but limited skin laxity on the neck.


As panfacial ageing always includes a degree of atrophy in the upper face and the midface, fat transfer is generally indicated together with a high SMAS facelift. Other treatments that work synergistically with the high SMAS facelift are: endoscopic brow lifting, upper/lower eyelid surgeries, buccal fat reduction, perioral rejuvenation and therapeutic skin restoration.


In addition to providing facial rejuvenation, the bi-directional high SMAS techniques offer a great deal of flexibility and are also used by Dr Sorensen for correction of facial asymmetries (i.e. facial palsy, post-traumatic scarring, facial revision surgeries and congenital craniofacial abnormalities).


During consultation Dr Sorensen will discuss all aspects of the procedure and associated recovery.