
Instrument specifications for microsurgical professionals

Multipurpose forceps

The multipurpose round handle microsurgical forceps come in two lengths (15 and 18 cm).


S&T product code

Multipurpose microsurgical forceps - straight tip

FRS-15 RM-8d.3   (15 cm long - Ø 0.3 mm tip)

FRS-18 RM-8d.3   (18 cm long - Ø 0.3 mm tip)

Multipurpose microsurgical forceps - angulated tip

FRAS-15 RM-8d.3   (15 cm long - Ø 0.3 mm tip)

FRAS-18 RM-8d.3   (18 cm long - Ø 0.3 mm tip)


The forceps come with Ø 0.3 mm working tips as standard. The final digit in the product code signifies the working tip diameter. Alternative sizes (Ø 0.1 mm and Ø 0.2 mm) are available, but must be specified upon order (please see the manufacturer's website for further details on 'S&T superfine instruments'). Personal note (Dr Sorensen): “I prefer the Ø 0.3 mm tip for micro-vascular surgery (vessel diameter 1.0 - 3.0 mm) and the Ø 0.2 mm tip for peripheral nerve surgery. The Ø 0.1 mm tip is a specialized instrument I recommend for re-implantation (finger or ear) or delicate laboratory work (vessel diameter 0.5 - 0.9 mm).”

Microblade Scissors

The microblade round handle microsurgical scissors come in two lengths (15 and 18 cm).


S&T product code

Ultra high-precision microsurgical scissors - straight blades  

SAJ-15 RM-8   (15 cm long - blades 4 mm)

SAJ-18 RM-8   (18 cm long - blades 4 mm)

Ultra high-precision microsurgical scissors - curved blades

SDJ-15 RM-8   (15 cm long - blades 4 mm)

SDJ-18 RM-8   (18 cm long - blades 4 mm)


Curved blades are recommended for micro-dissection and straight blades for dividing or cleaning nerves or vessels. Microblade scissors should be cleaned with a soft brush or in an ultrasonic bath before entering the autoclave (please see the S&T website for further information on instrument maintenance). Microblades can be inverse-extended (opened), which facilitates the cleaning process.

 >     Microblades

 >     Instrument Design