
Microsurgery is a specialised form of surgery performed with the aid of an operation microscope and involves the use of a range of advanced techniques designed for working on very fine structures such as nerves and blood vessels.


Microsurgery is primarily used for reconstructive purposes. The smallest anatomical details can be seen through high magnification, which allows for precise adjustments and treatment of tissue - capabilities that are especially important when repairing peripheral nerves.

Microsurgical techniques are also used for the re-implantation (or re-attachment) of amputations such as of the fingers, ears, hands and arms.


Another application of microsurgery is the reconstruction of missing tissue (tissue defects) by transferring tissue from one region of the body to another, a process known as ‘free tissue transfer’. A donor area with abundant suitable tissue is selected, from which tissue is removed and transferred to the reconstruction site. Blood vessels are then re-connected, establishing blood flow and allowing the tissue to fully integrate within the new location. These sophisticated techniques enable the reconstruction of almost any tissue in the body.


At the Sorensen Clinic, we have extensive experience performing microsurgery, having conducted research, published and taught in this field. We use microsurgery most frequently for facial reconstructions, particularly in cases of facial palsy where we can restore both nerve and muscle function. When required, we also use microsurgery to restore facial soft-tissue defects which cannot be reconstructed using transfer of local tissue.


Our expertise in microsurgery has refined our approach to surgery and tissue handling in general. Extensive work in this precise and specialised field complements our attention to detail – including the use of a range of fine optical instruments, endoscopes and fibre lights. As a consequence, we have found we are able to provide better safety, quicker recovery, smaller scars, and more natural-looking results in all our work.