Breast Enhancement

There are numerous reasons why women seek breast enhancement surgery: dissatisfaction with their naturally-given shape, problems arising from congential abnormalities or a desire to revert the changes that have occurred due to ageing or life events. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuation or decreased skin elasticity can cause breasts to lose shape and firmness. Size and shape abnormalities can cause functional problems that may require treatment.


There are a number of procedures that can effectively address these issues, but in order to obtain the best results, treatment must be personalised to each woman's physiognomy, taking into account breast sensitivity, functionality and progressive tissue development.

Precise measurement of the breasts, detailed explanations of treatment options and their advantages and shortcomings, as well as goals and expected outcomes must be covered in full before proceeding into treatments.


At the Sorensen Clinic we have chosen to employ a precise and scientific approach to all our breast surgeries, using only methods that have proven their value in clinical studies worldwide. We approach less complicated breast augmentations with the same level of individual attention and consideration as we do more advanced procedures. Furthermore, we specialise in breast surgeries that respect the balance of proportions – we produce results that restore and enhance but are never overdone. Our expertise lies in the ability to deliver elegant and natural-looking solutions.



The following provides an overview of breast surgeries, techniques and implants.

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation can give women with small or unevenly-sized breasts a fuller, firmer, better-proportioned appearance through the placement of implants. There are a number of procedures and types of incisions that can be used to perform breast surgery, as well as a range of cohesive-gel implants of varying shapes, sizes and levels of firmness from which to choose.

Anatomical breast implants

In our experience, anatomical implants will provide the best results for women seeking natural-looking and feeling breast enhancement as they can be used to customise breast shape as well as volume. The extensive number of shapes and sizes manufactured offers opportunities for individualisation to an extent that is beyond what can be obtained with traditional round implants.

Fat transfer to the breast

Autologous fat transfer to the breast is a specialised treatment to restore volume and enhance breast contours, create a softer fuller cleavage, or to correct asymmetric and constricted breasts. Transplantation of patient's own fat cells can be used either as a stand-alone procedure or in combination with anatomical breast implants to further improve the aesthetic outcome of a breast augmentation.

Breast lift

Breasts often lose shape and firmness over time. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is performed in order to lift sagging breasts and restore youthful shapeliness, as well as to correct asymmetries. For women requiring only a minor to moderate lift, we recommend ‘the minimal scar breast lift’. This technique delivers a long-lasting lift and does not affect breastfeeding capability or nipple sensitivity.

Breast reduction

Breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammaplasty, provides relief from symptoms caused by large and heavy breasts. Excess glandular tissue, fat and skin are removed, and the breasts are shaped and lifted to be smaller in proportion to the body. The results of breast reduction surgery are long-lasting and should help relieve the physical limitations experienced prior to surgery.

Inverted nipples

There are many methods for rectifying inverted, flat, or only slightly prominent nipples. For most patients, we use a specialised microsurgical technique that enables high-precision dissection and release of the inverted tissue, leaving delicate structures intact in order to preserve sensitivity and improve chances for future breastfeeding. This method provides a safe and aesthetically appealing solution and can be performed with only minor scarring.

Tubular (or tuberous) breasts

Tubular breast deformity is a congenital shape disorder in which tissue development is inhibited during puberty, resulting in unusually small, drooping and asymmetric breasts. The choice of operative technique demands careful analysis and discussion, but through individualised treatment, tubular breasts can be significantly improved and made to appear both normal and aesthetically pleasing.

 >     Breast Lift

 >     Breast Reduction

 >     Tubular Breasts

 >     Décolletage